History of the club

Mystery surrounds the original date and location of the Royal Lawn Bowling Club. The Edmonton Bulletin June 10, 1916, cites normal opening of the Civil Service Lawn Bowling Club will be held this Saturday afternoon at three clock on the grounds of the Parliament Buildings.

However, another source states the green was opened on Canada day in 1918 and the Civil service bowled there until 1923 when it went public and The Royal Lawn Bowling Club was formed.

Another source states that the first three years after 1923 the green was located at the Government House (the club then moved to the Legislative Grounds).

However it happened we are still going strong – in 2023 we are celebrating our 100th Anniversary and we are already planning major activities and events for that time.

It is an exciting time to be a ROYAList!!

Timeline of events

  • 1923 was also the first year that ladies were accepted as members.

  • 1932 or 1935 A second green was constructed then given up prior to 2001.

  • 1958 the present clubhouse was built for the visit of the Queen.

  • 1960 and 1968 the Royal hosted the Canadian Championships.

  • 1962 first year that it was legal to play on a Sunday.

  • 1964 128 bowlers came out to play in a Klondike Tournament.

  • 1974 the Men’s and Ladies Clubs combined.

  • 1990 members of the Garneau Club joined the Royal.

  • 1991 ASRAB rented the Royal Greens to hold their first Provincial Tournament for the Blind.

  • 2023 – Why not hang around and find out what happens

– By Val Wilson